
CELEB MUMMAS | Baby 'North' took her toll on pregnant Kim


Kim Kardashian and partner Kanye West have announced that their daughter's name is North. While this does subscribe somewhat to the batty celeb baby name club, it's actually quite touching when you think of the meaning behind it. Especially as Kim confessed to experiencing what she described as a difficult and painful pregnancy. (OK, if the baby takes Kanye's surname she'll be 'North West' but whatever)

Despite glowing in this pic taken shortly before she gave birth, there are tell-tale signs of those things that many pregnant women suffer through. The swollen ankles and breasts were no doubt very uncomfortable. And the obviously low bump shows how the baby had moved into position - probably resulting in more than a few trips to the loo every day!

Yet there is much to be envious about, not least her smooth, tanned and blemish/stretch mark free skin. And one can't deny that Kim looks lovely with a less is more approach to make-up! Maybe she'll keep it up now she has a little one to care for.

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