BABY vs MUMMA I Superdrug My Little Star Cotton Soft Baby Wipes



My Little Star Cotton Soft Baby Wipes
79p for 56 (fragrance free)
Available from

So while I'm waiting for 'pending' bubba's birth, I'm rather naughtily and somewhat greedily helping myself to his odds and sods. If it's not daddy sniffing and sampling his wares, it's me 'testing' them out. NB: stealing them.

First things first, in my massively exhausted state I can't be bothered to wash my face or clean my teeth (no change there then).  I languidly scrabble about for the closest something to wipe away the grease and grime of the day  - and I happened to stumble across Superdrug's Little Star baby bottom wipes - perfect for the face then!

Most alien items react with my skin like paint stripper and leave me sore, red raw and irritated
I hate to admit it but MAC faces wipes and certain Johnson's ones send me scratching like my cat in a summer flea fest, and as much as I love the aforementioned brands, sadly my skin doesn't. 

One evening, a little dubious, I hastily wiped the days maquillage off and waited for the all-familiar burn - nothing. 
Not only was my face as clean as a freshly wiped baby's botty, it was sensitivity-free. 
There was no oily residue and my skin was bed-ready i.e ready to rest my weary head and snooze without the worry of staining my nice cream bedspread with make-up.
I hate to admit I, er *cough*, used them all up and have none left - eek!

I hear from friends, as a busy mum (I'm almost there), you need multi-tasking items - so anything that doubles up for you and baby will be a godsend. The fact these are gentle enough for your face, means they are certainly more than suitable for baba's bum. 

Developed by experts they not only cleanse, but moisturise - and are enriched with natural extracts of chamomile and aloe to soothe and condition.

To top it off, being slightly OCD, I'll power through a pack - so I love the large pop up lid that enables wipes to stay moist and fresh for both mother and baby. Suitable for all the family these are on top of my multi-tasking list for efficacy and affordability.

There was quite a stampede around two years ago when desperate (savvy) ladies started slathering Waitrose's Baby Bottom Butter onto their face.  Whether it contained the high quality anti-ageing ingredients of expensive counterparts was another story, but it sure made mumma's feel as soft as a babies bum and ended up a solid staple in the mummy/baby cosmetics cupboard.

All hail the mummy multi-taskers!


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